Innovative, intense und iterative to your goal!You are looking for a workshop format with character?
Do you want to hold an innovative workshop that will have a lasting impact and inspire your team? Are you facing a challenge and don't know where to start? New concepts or strategies need to be developed, but the necessary change of perspective is difficult? Has your team been given a seemingly unsolvable task and you lack the drive to reach your goal? Do you see potential for optimization but find it difficult to make the key factors visible and tangible? Do you have different interest groups that need to be reconciled?
In most cases, the answers to such questions can be found through creative approaches and systematic changes of perspective. We are all “stuck” in our way of seeing things and occasionally need impulses from outside to change our way of thinking and often find obvious solutions. With our innovative workshop format, we provide a solution that has a lasting impact and inspires your team. Our speedboat format brings together different perspectives, is suitable for developing solutions and concepts and initiates change. In our workshops, we use modern methods for brainstorming and strategy development that help to develop new concepts creatively and innovatively. You also benefit from our trained facilitators and coaches and our many years of experience in strategy workshops.