Leitwerk Academy Workshop Speedboat Format

Idea generation & product development (Speedboat Workshop)

Innovative, intense und iterative to your goal!
You are looking for a workshop format with character?

Do you want to hold an innovative workshop that will have a lasting impact and inspire your team? Are you facing a challenge and don't know where to start? New concepts or strategies need to be developed, but the necessary change of perspective is difficult? Has your team been given a seemingly unsolvable task and you lack the drive to reach your goal? Do you see potential for optimization but find it difficult to make the key factors visible and tangible? Do you have different interest groups that need to be reconciled?

In most cases, the answers to such questions can be found through creative approaches and systematic changes of perspective. We are all “stuck” in our way of seeing things and occasionally need impulses from outside to change our way of thinking and often find obvious solutions. With our innovative workshop format, we provide a solution that has a lasting impact and inspires your team. Our speedboat format brings together different perspectives, is suitable for developing solutions and concepts and initiates change. In our workshops, we use modern methods for brainstorming and strategy development that help to develop new concepts creatively and innovatively. You also benefit from our trained facilitators and coaches and our many years of experience in strategy workshops.

Insights to our Speedboat Workshop of the Leitwerk Academy

Thinking tools

Expertise in idea generation & product development workshop

The speedboat format is particularly suitable for areas of application that rely on creativity and innovation:

  • Vision development
  • Solution finding
  • Diagnosis and problem description
  • Strategy development
  • Brainstorming
  • Feasibility assessment
  • Identification of dependencies and obstacles
  • Development of a tactical approach


...for your individual workshop for brainstorming, innovation development, product development and much more.

  • Icon Pooling potential

    Pooling potential

    We bundle the potential in your team and create a framework for successful and goal-oriented cooperation.

  • Icon Your lighthouse project

    Your lighthouse project

    We help you to turn your project into a flagship project within the organization.

  • Icon Boost energy

    Boost energy

    We give you start-up energy and sustainable momentum for your project.

  • Icon Sustainable support

    Sustainable support

    We empower you in your concerns and support you in planning the next steps after the speedboat.

  • Icon Networking & cooperation

    Networking & cooperation

    We promote networking and strengthen team cohesion.

Project examples


Scope of assignment

As part of the assignment, three LEITWERK consultants accompanied the nine-strong team of our client from the automotive industry. Within a short period of time, as many good and detailed ideas as possible were to be generated in an inspiring format.

Initial situation

Our client was faced with the challenge of developing measures that would have a positive impact on long-term customer loyalty. The requirement was to develop possible measures to achieve the company's overarching retention goals.

Solution approach

With the help of an agile approach and an interdisciplinary team, we were able to develop a very good basis for decision-making in a short space of time. Initial ideas were piloted immediately. Feedback from end customers was obtained and incorporated directly into further development. Through iterative loops, various input providers and the use of targeted ideation methods, a wide range of solutions were developed within 16 days. The focus was always on the end customer.


The protected space of the speedboat format enabled the participants to think in a targeted and innovative way. In a very short space of time, sophisticated solutions were developed, which already incorporated initial customer voices and opinions. This was accompanied by an appealing presentation of the content that all participants could identify with. The 30 best measures were then discussed and prioritized in decision-making circles.

II. Development of new service offerings

Scope of assignment

As part of the assignment, three LEITWERK consultants accompanied the 14-member team of our client from the automotive industry. The aim was to find out what needs our client's customers actually have and to generate ideas for the future direction of the company based on this.

Initial situation

The rapid change in customer requirements has a particular impact on older segments and is reflected in retention and sales figures. For this reason, our client asked itself the question: what do our customers need so that we can retain them in the long term and create added value? Customer surveys have already been carried out.

Solution approach

Based on the customer voices already collected, a comprehensive analysis of the key pain points and expectations was carried out. We identified three main expectations, which were used as the basis for various creativity and innovation methods. Several successive loops of solution development were carried out. In order to ensure the sustainability of the results, a modular solution approach was developed that enabled rapid piloting of the partial content.


The participants formed an innovative and powerful team within a week thanks to the dynamic speedboat format. The modular service concept enabled step-by-step testing and implementation, thus creating sustainable added value for the company. The methods used sensitized the participants to the continuous comparison of the goals with the effects on the customers.

Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our solution.
Contact us!
Sonja Neubauer - your contact person
Your contact person
Sonja Neubauer
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write us over our contact form
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