LEITWERK Academy Kick-off Workshop
Academy | Workshops

Kick-off Workshop

Do you want your new project to get off to a motivating and successful start that involves all project members? Are you in the transition from project planning to project implementation? Has the composition of your team changed over time or is a realignment imminent?

A kick-off workshop bundles existing resources and energy and enables a motivating and goal-oriented project start. We prepare your team for the project work and create an environment in which everyone involved is empowered to make a positive contribution to the success of the project. We support you in the planning, implementation and follow-up of your personal kick-off workshop. Benefit from our many years of workshop and project expertise.

What is important in a kick-off workshop?
A successful kick-off workshop contributes significantly to a successful project and strengthens team cohesion!

  • Icon Get to know our team

    Get to know

    For a team to get off to a successful start, all team members need to know and trust each other. We use tried-and-tested methods to enable team members to get to know each other in a new way.

  • Icon Clear project goals

    Clear project goals

    In order to achieve the project goal together, a clear definition of the goal is necessary. The participants must have a common understanding of the objective and be able to locate their own role within it.

  • Icon Identification


    In order to enable identification with the goals, the project benefits are also discussed in a kick-off workshop - because employees who see a purpose in tasks work purposefully and contribute positively to the success of the project.

  • Icon Cooperation


    For a project to get off to a successful start, the team must see itself as a unit. A kick-off workshop strengthens the team understanding and strengthens cohesion in the project environment.

  • Icon Enthusiasm


    The kick-off workshop is an important motivator to motivate the team at the beginning of the project or a later project phase and to get them in a positive mood for the upcoming topics.

  • Icon Grow together

    Grow together

    Feedback methods are used to get a picture of the mood of the project team and uncover potential tensions. These enable joint growth and further development as a team.

  • Icon: Clear outlook

    Clear outlook

    No meeting should end without an outlook. This is also the case with the kick-off workshop. A clear conclusion and the definition of the next steps ensure that the energy generated in the kick-off meeting is retained.

Our procedure
This is how we support you!

1. Phase 03


The LEITWERK effect

  • Icon Individual & to the point

    Individual & to the point

    Every workshop is unique. In its structure, methodology and overarching approach. We make sure that the workshop concept is tailored to your needs.

  • Icon Effectiveness


    We select the appropriate methods for your workshop from our toolbox in order to achieve the required results in a targeted (and fun) way and ensure maximum effectiveness.

  • Icon Snint-energy


    The success of a project depends on all project members. For this reason, each of our kick-off workshops also includes team development components that strengthen your team and prepare them for working together.

  • Icon Sustainable support

    Sustainable support

    As part of our kick-off workshops, we ensure a clear distribution of roles and tasks, set up rules as required and thus enable a sustainable project effect.

  • Icon Clear goal image

    Clear goal image

    Where are we going? Who is responsible for what? What milestones are there? In our kick-off workshops, we create a common understanding of the project goals and involve all project members.

Interested? We would be happy to provide you with detailed information about our solution.
Contact us!
Sonja Neubauer
Your contact person
Sonja Neubauer
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write us over our contact form!
Contact us!