Appointments cannot be avoided. Appointments are even very important, for example to make decisions, share information or work on results together with others. Nevertheless, in times like today, when working from home is possible almost indefinitely and offices are open again, it is particularly important to keep a close eye on the number of appointments you and others have. Because while one person only has to click on the blue ‘Join now’ button between two appointments, the other has to change rooms and leave three floors behind. In both examples, however, nobody wants to waste time on useless meetings and put other, more important work on the back burner. It is more important to treat everyone's time with respect and to increase productivity and efficiency in everyday working life.
And this is exactly what the Meeting Participation Matrix, which we presented in this blog post, is designed to help with. It can be used from the perspective of both the invitees and the inviting parties to identify the right participants for a meeting. It is available for download on this page and can be downloaded at any time - try it out and tell us about your experiences!