LEITWERK Academy workshops for managers

Executives Workshop

Our professional environment is becoming ever more complex and dynamic and important decisions have to be made under uncertainty. This reality presents us all, but especially you as managers, with ever greater challenges. Due to new framework conditions and working models, managers must work together in order to remain capable of acting, take employees along with them and successfully master change.

Do you want to create a uniform understanding of leadership and move in a coordinated direction? Do you want to strengthen the sense of unity in your management team? Would you like to receive new impetus on the topic of leadership and exchange ideas on an equal footing?

Professionally designed workshops offer a suitable framework for working intensively on issues as a group, looking at focus topics from different perspectives and developing a shared understanding of leadership.

With our individually tailored range of workshops for managers, we support you in generating new impetus and quickly achieving effective results. In doing so, we facilitate an exchange at eye level in which self-reflection and individual development as a group are possible. Convince yourself of the effectiveness of our management workshops at individual, group and company level.

Influencing factors in the management environment in the LWC management workshop

Influencing factors in the leadership environment

The VUCA-Environment is accompanied by various new demands on managers. For example, in addition to volatility and complexity, generational differences need to be taken into account and employees need to be motivated and retained in a flexible working environment - often in remote constellations. To equip you for these and many other new tasks, our workshops focus on the manager.

When is a management workshop useful?

LWC's success factors for strong leadership

Success factors for strong leadership

  • A sense of community and collaboration in management teams
  • Theory, methods and principles of agile leadership
  • Development of a shared understanding of leadership and values
  • Fundamentals of team development and motivation techniques
  • Feedback culture and conflict competence
  • Increased willingness to change
  • Discovering your own personality & sharpening your perception
  • Differentiating roles and the basics of coaching employees


  • Icon Individuality


    We work with you to design a workshop that is tailored to your needs and objectives.

  • Icon Effective


    We use transfer methods to ensure that the results are successfully integrated into your day-to-day work.

  • Icon Variety


    We combine different methods to create a varied and interactive workshop that is engaging.

  • Icon Goal oriented

    Goal oriented

    We create a suitable environment so that you can use your knowledge and experience in a targeted manner to produce convincing results that are supported by everyone.

Project example - Common understanding of leadership and togetherness-feeling

Demand survey

As part of the assignment, our team of 2 experienced LEITWERK consultants supported our client's team of over 35 participants. Our client from the automotive industry needed our expertise and support in the formation of a new management team.

Starting position

As part of a restructuring process, a new management team was created at a leading car manufacturer, made up of very experienced and new managers. The managers were faced with the challenge of uniting different departmental characters under one leadership banner in order to bring all employees on board. Responsibilities had to be redefined and a new, shared understanding of leadership had to be created.

Solution approach

As part of a two-day intensive workshop, all managers in the department worked on their shared understanding of leadership. In addition to impulses from external presentations, the managers were able to get to know each other in alternating formats, exchange ideas and gain an understanding of each other's views and experiences. Individual management goals were also defined with the development of a common vision.


The intensive and varied format created a positive and open exchange. The shared experiences, e.g. in the context of out-door activities, created a sense of unity within the management group. Everyone had a clear picture of their responsibilities and leadership tasks. Appointed “leadership buddies” ensured a long-term exchange and reminder mode as part of everyday working life.


Why LEITWERK Consulting?

Our workshop experts and coaches support you in a goal-oriented and solution-focused manner. We create a framework in which managers can act in a self-determined manner, recognize their strengths and develop their potential.

  • Icon experience

    Benefit from our consultants' many years of cross-industry expertise in the field of leadership development.

  • Icon Thumbs-Up

    Our workshops are conducted by experienced employees with moderation and coaching training.

  • Icon Process

    Thanks to creative and new approaches and a wide variety of methods, our workshops are varied, memorable and fun.

  • Icon sustainable results

    We attach great importance to sustainable results that can be (further) worked with. To achieve this, we focus on practicability and transferability.

Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our solution.
Contact us!
Sonja Neubauer - your contact person
Your contact person
Sonja Neubauer
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write us over our contact form
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