The VUCA world explained

The VUCA world

Dynamics of digital markets

VUCA definition
VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity

The word VUCA originally comes from the American military. It describes new conditions in war zones that involve unknown conditions and is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.

These terms can also be used to describe the current world of work. People often talk about the VUCA world. It describes our constantly changing business world, which is becoming increasingly fast, unpredictable, uncertain and complex and therefore poses major challenges for companies. Digitalization and globalization are making processes in working life faster and faster and spreading across national borders. Fixed rules no longer apply, the future is uncertain and countless factors have to be taken into account.

Complexity is increasing due to globally networked systems that are so closely interlinked that cause-and-effect relationships are difficult to explain and feedback from the systems or changes to components have unpredictable consequences. The sensitive working network is extremely volatile, and even a change in a single factor can have a major impact. In addition, old theories and patterns are no longer valid due to the fast-moving nature of the markets. The probability of events is becoming increasingly difficult to assess and companies can only develop long-term action strategies with uncertainty. In addition, situations are becoming increasingly ambiguous, as the reliability of data and information is becoming less and less clear due to the huge flood of data and information. Organizations must find a way to deal with these circumstances and face the challenge of making decisions for the future on a volatile basis.

“The term VUCA aptly describes the changing challenges facing companies in the 21st century. If companies do not adapt flexibly to these challenges, there is a risk that they will lose touch with the future.” (Onpulson)

What exactly does the VUCA model mean?
VUCA at a glance

  • Icon Volatility


    Markets and customers are changing faster and more frequently. General conditions are changeable and fluctuating; they can change completely from one day to the next.

  • Icon Uncertainty


    The volatility creates uncertainty. Planning is hardly possible due to a lack of knowledge and too much uncertainty. This also means dealing with more risks.

  • Icon Complexity


    Complexity is growing due to the increasing networking and linking of processes and issues. Everything is interrelated, multi-layered and often seems impenetrable. Cause and effect are almost impossible to grasp.

  • Icon: Ambiguity


    Information is ambiguous and dealing with contradictions and paradoxes is common. This makes decisions more difficult, as clear solutions are hardly possible.

How can we master the VUCA working world?
VUCA as a response to VUCA: moving away from old structures with VUCA leadership

How can companies best respond to rapid change in a world in which long-term planning is virtually impossible and there are no clear answers to many questions? “According to some managers and management consultancies, the answer to VUCA is VUCA” (dictionary definition).

The answer to responding to the challenges of the VUCA world and exploiting new opportunities is therefore once again VUCA, which in this case stands for Vision (Vision), Understanding (Understanding), Clarity (Clarity) and Agility (Agility). “And this is reflected above all in the management style. “Away with encrusted hierarchies and long decision-making processes“ - that's the motto”. Tried and tested standards and previous structures are being re-examined and replaced by individual solutions.

  • Icon Vision


    A shared vision, mission statements and goals serve as a guide in this complex environment. For employees, it creates motivation to implement necessary changes and get everyone on board. It also clarifies the question of what the company wants to stand for.

  • Icon Understanding


    As a manager, it is important to gain an understanding of multidimensional situations and put them into context. By exchanging ideas with others and promoting cooperation, confusing situations can be made more tangible and concrete. Creating a common understanding is one of the central tasks of modern leadership.

  • Icon Clarity


    A common strategic direction and clear language creates a stable framework, clarity and orientation for management and teams. Individual priorities or conflicting goals should be reconciled and thus create a basis for successful and cross-team collaboration.

  • Icon Agility


    Agility provides the necessary maneuverability for a company to adapt quickly to new circumstances. It is essential to place trust in your employees and give them enough room for maneuver to be able to react flexibly and quickly to unexpected requirements.

We at LEITWERK are happy to support you on your path to greater agility
Agility and VUCA

'Agility' and ‘VUCA’ are buzzwords that are constantly mentioned together. We often read or hear that agility is a must in today's VUCA world. Becoming agile seems to be the solution to many problems and challenges and more and more companies are trying to modernize their way of working with agile methods. And the logical connection exists: The speed and unpredictability of changes in the market require more than ever to adapt quickly to new circumstances. Agility can provide the necessary adaptability and flexibility for companies, employees, structures and processes.

It is important to understand that agility is more than just a method. A successful agile transformation primarily requires the right framework conditions in the areas of strategy, structure, processes, culture, leadership and tools.

Among other things, it requires consistent motivation and objectives, a modern management style with short decision-making paths and a mature error and learning culture as well as iterative development and feedback loops. By anchoring agile values and promoting an agile mindset, the intrinsic will to change of each individual employee increases. All employees take responsibility and contribute to shaping and developing the company. Cross-functional teams can pool valuable knowledge from different areas and provide additional support for the use of agile working methods and tools.

Is your company also currently facing the challenges of the VUCA world and do you want to bring more agility to your organization? We at LEITWERK Consulting will be happy to help you find the right answer to the VUCA world and implement it individually!

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  • Author: Dr. Wolfgang Schröder, Title: VUCA, link
  • Author: Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, Title: VUCA - Detailed definition in the online lexicon, link
  • Author: Anja Rassek, Title: VUCA World: New Opportunities in the New World of Work, link

All sources were last accessed on February 12, 2021.
