Leitwerk Academy training on the basics of lean management
Shopfloor and 5S

Lean Management Seminar

Shopfloor Management is a supporter for continous improvements of your processes and procedures. Optimize the depolyment of your employees, the availability of your facilities and equipment and increase the transparency directed to your management. Use the 5S-method to get a structured and standardized programme of work. Improve your efficiency and productivity and reduce causes and factors of waste. We will show you, how to avoid risks and how to improve a secure work environment, to influence the motivation of your employees.

Within the Lean management seminar, we give you based on our experience as LEITWERK Consulting GmbH, a practice- and goal-oriented meaning of Shopfloor management and 5S. During the seminar we provide you with a guide for a succesful implementation of these methods. There is also the option to check your learnings with a volunatry Quick-Check-Analysis. Depending on the focus you are seeking, there is also the option to book the modules of Shopfloor management and 5S seperatly. You will also have the choice between a base- or intense-format.

Basics of lean management training at LWC in Munich
Icon Basics

Get to know Lean Management basics

  • You'll develop a comprehensive understanding and get to know measures for the areas Lean Production and Lean Management.
  • You feel familiar with the methods of Shopfloor Management and 5S and are able to integrate these approaches in your buisness unit.
  • You know the methods to optimize your buisness strucutures and processes.
  • Help shape the training individually and set the needs-based topics for your targeted further education.
Contents of the LEITWERK Academy lean management training course in Munich
Icon Seminar Contents of Lean Management

Seminar Contents of Lean Management

We coordinate the contents and priorities of the training in advance with you according to your individual requirements and needs. Depending on the focus, the following content can be conveyed on the basis of documents and case studies:

  • Get to know and understand the Lean Producation/Lean Management basic methods and relations

Focus Shopfloor management

  • Visual representation of the key figures as well as the continious improvement process is on the Shopfloor board
  • Execution of a stock analysis of their specific company key figures
  • Design and conception of a Shopfloor board for a production area of your choice

Focus 5S

  • Getting to know the five steps of 5S:
    select (Seiri) | systematize (Seiton) | clean (Seiso) | standardize (Seiketsu) | self-discipline (Shitsuke)
  • Create a potential analysis in your work area on the basis of a photo safari
  • Develop an action that gives you the opportunity to tell quick success in your company through appropiate measures

With these elements we bring you closer to Lean Management

  • Icon Variety


    We make sure that our training courses are varied and memorable.

  • Icon Regular practice

    Regular practice

    The processing of practical case studies and exercises facilitates the knowledge transfer into everyday life.

  • Icon Trainer input

    Trainer input

    Our trainers support you in understanding the multitude of Lean methods and in developing an action concept for your company-specific Shopfloor Management.

Leitwerk Academy training materials for the Lean Management training course
Icon Lean Management Training materials

Lean Management Training materials

As part of the Lean Management Seminar, you will receive the following documents:

Training documents, including photo protocols for exercises and flip charts.

Your Lean Management Trainer

Sebastian Linder

Sebastian Linder

Through the combination of practical experience, the enthusiasm for the further development of companies and his high social competence, Sebastian Linder has been advising our clients with confidence and convincingly on numerous projects for more than 13 years. His focus is in particular on strategic and operational process management, process optimization and the development of integrated management systems. Sebastian Linder is a certified Buisness Process Professional(CBPP), QMB, Scrum Master (PSM I) and Product Owner (PSPO I) and has additional certifications for Information Security Management (ISO 27001) as well as IT.
mehr Details

The Lean Management Training at a glance

Training Overview

Target audience

The training is suitable for employees and executives (i.e. Manufacturing Manager, ) from all industry areas that want to optimize the enterprise-specific value process by the enterprise-specific value process by the use of the Shopfloor methodology.




max. 12 persons


Entry-level format (5S/Shopfloor) – 1 Day on site training for our customers

Intense format (5S/Shopfloor) – 2 Days on site training including Quick Check Analysis for our customers

Combi format (5S + Shopfloor) – 2 Days on site trainingfor our customers, optional: Quick Check Analysis


Entry-level format (5S/Shopfloor) – 2.000,00€ + Travel expenses

Intense format (5S/Shopfloor) – 4.000,00€ + Travel Expenses

Combi format (5S + Shopfloor) – individual offer, price on request

Certification fee



Currently no dates are set. We are happy to arrange an individually suitable training date with you.

We are happy to offer you this training as an in-house variant, where it can be specifically addressed to your needs.

Interested? We can send you detailed information about our solution for you!
Contact us!
Sonja Neubauer - Your contact person regarding seminars of the Leitwerk Academy
Your contact person
Sonja Neubauer
+49 89 189 235 96
...or write us over the contact form
Conatct us!

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