LWC Production process optimisation (lean management)

Production process optimisation lean management

Do you want to optimise your production processes and at the same time focus on customer needs?

With LEAN Management, we offer you a holistic approach to optimising your processes by eliminating waste. Standardised, lean and stable processes also have a cost-reducing effect, making your company more competitive.

In addition, we work with you to anchor the lean philosophy in your corporate culture. This lays the foundation for competitive processes and ensures continuous improvement. Based on our expertise and the targeted use of selected LEAN methods, we work with you to sustainably optimise your processes.

Our performance promise

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    We support process optimisation and the establishment of a LEAN culture in our customers' companies. In addition to the necessary methodological expertise, our experts have knowledge of the latest technologies, concepts and best practices in the field of lean management and Industry 4.0.

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    We offer innovative and long-term implementation solutions and tailor them to the individual needs of our customers. With the help of performance and shop floor management, we create transparency about processes and key figures in order to identify areas for action as part of the continuous improvement process.

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    We systematically prepare managers and employees for the upcoming changes through individual training and qualification programmes.

Our expertise

  • Icon LEAN Production

    LEAN Production

  • Icon Process penetration

    Process penetration

  • Icon Empowerment


  • Icon KPI development

    KPI development

  • KPI implementation

    KPI implementation

  • Icon ISO 9001 conformity

    ISO 9001 conformity

  • Icon Process optimisation

    Process optimisation

  • Icon Sustainablility


Our approach

1. Phase 04

Requirements analysis and potential for improvement

Project example

Shopfloor management consulting

Scope of commission

The subject of the commission was the introduction of lean management at a mobility provider. The project team, which consisted of over 3000 participants, was accompanied and supported by three experienced LEITWERK consultants.

Initial situation

Shopfloor management was introduced across the group in the maintenance plants of a mobility provider in order to establish a new way of working with a view to improving customer focus, increasing quality and efficiency. The focus was on creating lean production processes and identifying waste.

Solution approach

During the introduction of shopfloor management in selected maintenance plants, basic lean training courses were held to impart basic knowledge, methods and tools to employees and managers. This ensured that employees were involved right from the start and that the potential of the shopfloor method was visible to everyone.


The consistent introduction and implementation of shop floor dialogues at an operational level (the shop floor) has resulted in sustainable added value. Significant results include increased transparency, improved work processes through targeted communication and a structured problem-solving process.

Your advantages
...through the introduction of lean management

  • Icon Productivity increase

    Productivity increase

    A regulated work system introduces lean work processes in your company in order to achieve greater efficiency while minimising costs. Improvements also have a positive effect on product and delivery quality as well as shortening throughput times. This allows you and your company to focus on a customer-orientated approach and secure important competitive advantages.

  • Icon Establishment of a culture of improvement

    Establishment of a culture of improvement

    Lean management promotes an open and transparent culture, which makes a significant contribution to your company's success. Lean establishes a culture of improvement in which managers continuously develop their employees and enable them to independently identify potential for improvement and derive measures. Improvements are therefore an integral part of daily work, allowing your value creation processes to be organised efficiently.

Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our solution.
Contact us!
Sebsatian Linder - your contact person for production process optimisation (lean management)
Your contact person
Sebastian Linder
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write us via our contact form
Contact us!

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