LEITWERK Consulting Munich offers video-supported process documentation

Video-supported process documentation

Digital documentation of your processes
An implementation measure for Industry 4.0

The demands on quality and efficiency in production and assembly-intensive business areas are constantly increasing. A lack of transparency and a lack of process orientation cause increased costs and make necessary process improvements more difficult. As a manager in the assembly, production or maintenance area of your company, you may ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can short-term failures be compensated for to prevent downtime in assembly or production?
  • Which tools and formats help to set the necessary standards and drive continuous improvements?
  • How can quality in assembly and production be continuously increased through optimally documented processes?
  • How can process documentation be used to ensure familiarisation and a constant transfer of knowledge in a resource-efficient manner?
  • How can processes be analysed without disrupting regular operations?
  • How can process standards in production and assembly be established across locations?

You will find the answer in professional video-supported process documentation.
LWC - Why use video-based process documentation?
icon: documentation

Why use video-based process documentation?

It is now generally recognised that reading texts is one of the least efficient and motivating methods of knowledge exchange and sustainable learning. Only 10% of the information remains in the reader's memory.

If images are integrated into documentation, the retention rate of users increases significantly. Knowledge transfer is most efficient when the content is available through professional video documentation.

In order to achieve an optimal result in the documentation of highly complex processes, it must be clearly recognisable in each perspective depicted where the focus lies. This ensures that users know which activity is to be carried out at which point and in which form. Amateurish recordings with a smartphone or simple handheld camera only capture fractions of complex relationships, which means that neither precise documentation nor a professional evaluation of the process can be realised.

How does video-based process documentation work?

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    Using the process documentation method specially developed by our partner, each individual process step is precisely discussed, movement sequences are analysed, divided into action sequences and recorded by specialists with up to five cameras simultaneously.

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    By systematically positioning several cameras in line with the process and editing them in post-production, complex activities can be depicted from different perspectives in both individual and combined image sections. The large number of cameras captures every change within a complex process.

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    The fact that human imagination and spatial thinking skills vary greatly is taken into account during filming. This means that irreversible processes that make it impossible to repeat a work step can also be depicted and conveyed. Special ‘know-how’ that experienced employees have acquired, which is usually difficult to convey through a textual process description, can thus be transferred to employees with less experience. Partial sequences can be slowed down, enlarged or even animated if required.

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    The information on the execution of the processes can be supplemented by storing hazard symbols relevant to occupational safety and ergonomic information. Professional video-supported process documentation therefore offers significant added value to quality-assuring documentation using conventional methods.

Your advantages

With the help of the innovative documentation method, automation strategies and process chain optimisations are derived by repeatedly viewing and analysing the film material, without the need for an on-site inspection.

Professional video-supported process documentation contributes to quality assurance, increases learning success, minimises the error rate, ensures that employees can be deployed flexibly and thus contributes to the successful transformation to Industry 4.0.

Utilise the numerous advantages of video-supported process documentation in your areas of application to...

  • Icon Process chain optimisation

    Process chain optimisation

  • Icon: Preparation of process audits and certifications

    Preparation of process audits and certifications

  • Icon Communication with internal and external partners

    Communication with internal and external partners

    (Requirements for tools, room design, components and sensor technology)

  • Icon Process coordination

    Process coordination

    (tasks, responsibilities, interfaces, methods, tools)

  • Icon Induction training for new employees

    Induction training for new employees

    (education, training and qualification)

  • Icon Instruction of replacement personnel in sensitive assembly and maintenance work

    Instruction of replacement personnel in sensitive assembly and maintenance work

  • Icon Relocation of plants and the associated processes

    Relocation of plants and the associated processes

We build on strong cooperation

Together with our partner, an experienced process specialist/format developer for video-based process documentation, we realise your individual project for professional video-based process documentation.

LWC - our experience
    In his many years of professional experience, our specialist has successfully realised numerous projects in the field of illustrating high-tech processes, scientific documentation and video training. He uses this experience in the industry to develop innovative solutions for process documentation and thus supports your path to Industry 4.0. He applies his many years of experience as a cameraman, editor and image engineer to the creation of video instructions and process descriptions for process chain analyses and automation strategies. High-quality video equipment and specialised software guarantee that the processes are illustrated with the utmost precision. This means that you receive all the necessary services from a single source, save costs, minimise coordination efforts and receive a solution tailored to your needs: - Concept creation (level of detail based on the requirements profile, analysis of the process steps, definition of action lines) - Shooting (didactic preparation) - Post-production (graphic design, inserts, colour grading) - Deliver (conversion to desired format and resolution)
    mehr Details

    With our many years of experience and our extensive portfolio in process consulting, we are happy to assist you both in an advisory capacity and in operational implementation.
    Process consulting is one of our core competences

    Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our solution.
    Contact us!
    Sebastian Linder - Your contact person
    Your contact person
    Sebastian Linder
    +49 89 189 235 96
    ...or write us via our contact form
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