Successful project initiation and planning

Successful project initiation and planning

Project success with PMO

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Successful project initiation and planning: With PMO to project success

Are you about to start a new project and wondering what to do next? Have the initiation phases of new projects so far been rather unstructured and unplanned? Can you no longer see the wood for the trees with the multitude of tasks that a new project entails, especially at the beginning?

In this blog post, we show you which topics should be addressed in the initiation phase, what happens in the planning phase and, above all, what added value the use of a project management office (PMO) offers in these two project phases.

The initiation phase and the planning phase are often lumped together and tackled at the same time. Both phases are essential for the success of the project, but have different goals and activities:

The initiation phase is the first phase in the project life cycle and aims to officially launch the project and establish the basic framework.

The planning phase follows the initiation phase and aims to create a detailed plan for the implementation of the project.

The following diagram summarizes the two phases, which we describe in more detail below:

From the project idea to the environment, risk and stakeholder analysis, the initiation phase is complete and the planning phase begins with the project design.
Project planning circle

Initiation phase of a project

Following the project idea, the project is officially launched in the initiation phase. The main tasks in this phase are clarifying the assignment, defining objectives, analyzing the environment, identifying stakeholders and analyzing risks.

1. Phase 05

Order clarification

Planning phase of a project

Selection of the project design

The strategic direction and methodology to be used in the project are determined based on the project tasks and objectives. This includes deciding on a specific project management method (e.g. waterfall, agile) or a specific approach. A well thought-out project design ensures that the project is clearly aligned and that all team members follow the same vision and direction.

Selection of suitable methods and tools for project management

Project management methods, techniques and tools are identified and implemented based on the project specifications and requirements. The use of suitable methods and tools facilitates the planning, implementation and monitoring of the project, improves team collaboration and optimizes the use of resources, resulting in successful project execution.

Project organization

The project structure is defined, including the assignment of roles and responsibilities for the team members. This includes the definition of project managers, team leaders and other key positions as well as the clarification of communication channels and decision-making processes. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities promote collaboration and communication within the team. They also reduce misunderstandings and conflicts and ensure that all team members work together effectively, which supports the overall success of the project.

Phase planning

The project is divided into clearly defined phases, each of which includes milestones to enable progress to be monitored. Each phase also has its own objectives, activities, resources and schedules to ensure that the project is carried out in a structured and planned manner.

Drawing up the work breakdown structure (WBS)

The work breakdown structure (WBS) is created to organize the structure of the project into sub-projects and work packages, defining responsibilities, dependencies and relationships between these packages and tasks. This facilitates the planning and allocation of tasks and resources, promotes the coordination of project activities and ensures that all aspects of the project are covered.

Schedule, budget and resource planning

Detailed schedules, budgets and resource plans are drawn up to support the implementation of the project. This includes estimating time, cost and resource requirements as well as defining controlling mechanisms to monitor and manage the project in order to avoid bottlenecks and ensure the efficient use of resources.

Role of the PMO in the initiation and planning phase

The PMO plays a central role in project initiation by ensuring that this phase is carried out thoroughly and comprehensively. As the focal point for coordination and support, it works closely with the project managers and clients to determine the intensity of work on individual tasks. It has proven useful to discuss each task separately and to analyze the advantages of performing it and the disadvantages of omitting it in order to determine the necessary effort. As with many other PMO tasks, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe that guarantees success. Rather, it is important to work out which specifics of the project require which scope of a task.
During the planning phase, the PMO takes responsibility for developing detailed project plans and ensuring that all necessary resources, schedules and budgets are taken into account. It ensures that realistic schedules are established and that the appropriate resources are allocated to achieve the defined project goals. In addition, the PMO continuously monitors progress and adjusts plans as necessary to respond flexibly to changes and new findings. It promotes communication and collaboration between all stakeholders and ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.
For more comprehensive information on the topic of PMOs and the various tasks that a Project Management Office performs on a daily basis, please read our blog post “What does a PMO do all day?”.

Advantages of a holistic approach to project management

A holistic approach that encompasses all elements and tasks of the initiation and planning cycle and selects efficient project management methods offers numerous advantages:

  • Icon Transparency

    It improves project transparency, minimizes risks, optimizes resources and ultimately increases the project's chances of success. The PMO plays a crucial role in promoting this approach and supports the project management and the team.

  • Icon Method kit

    In particular, an experienced PMO's toolbox of methods helps in these crucial phases at the start of a project to get the project on the right track and take all the necessary details into account. An effective PMO selects customized methods that are geared towards the success of the project.

  • Icon Quality

    Experience shows that even a basic treatment of all tasks in the initiation and planning phase helps to illuminate all aspects of a project and to bring it to the finish line efficiently and effectively with the given resources and in the necessary quality.

Are you now also interested in establishing a PMO in your organization and want to find out how a PMO can be useful for you? Then we have just the thing for you!

Download our LEITWERK Project Canvas as a practical download template and start your initiation and planning phase straight away.
Project Canvas

LEITWERK Project Canvas
Download the poster here

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