Estimated reading time: 7 minutesSuccessful project initiation and planning: With PMO to project success
Are you about to start a new project and wondering what to do next? Have the initiation phases of new projects so far been rather unstructured and unplanned? Can you no longer see the wood for the trees with the multitude of tasks that a new project entails, especially at the beginning?
In this blog post, we show you which topics should be addressed in the initiation phase, what happens in the planning phase and, above all, what added value the use of a project management office (PMO) offers in these two project phases.
The initiation phase and the planning phase are often lumped together and tackled at the same time. Both phases are essential for the success of the project, but have different goals and activities:
The initiation phase is the first phase in the project life cycle and aims to officially launch the project and establish the basic framework.
The planning phase follows the initiation phase and aims to create a detailed plan for the implementation of the project.