The problem our customers face:
‘How can sales gaps be closed in the short term? What measures can be taken to make a process more efficient?’ And let's not forget: ‘How can we keep up and remain successful in the fast-moving business world?’
These critical questions are on the minds of top management - and rightly so!
It is not for nothing that the word VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) is on everyone's lips. Today's business world is faced with constantly changing framework conditions. These are directly associated with a certain degree of uncertainty and insecurity. At the same time, increasing networking is fuelling a supposedly inscrutable complexity that seems almost impossible to cope with when decision-making is made even more difficult.
Sustainable innovation management as a possible solution framework:
Against this backdrop, the promotion of a living culture of innovation and the use of effective management strategies to develop promising project ideas is increasingly coming into focus. Sustainable innovation management is the decisive framework for creating a safe space for creativity, experimentation and a willingness to take risks and make mistakes. Innovation management stimulates the generation of new ideas.
It consolidates, analyses and evaluates these from company-relevant perspectives (e.g. economic efficiency, strategic impact, feasibility, etc.).
There are several key strategies for implementing idea generation in innovation management. Three of the best-known approaches are as follows: The open innovation approach involves idea generation and innovation development together with external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers or, for example, universities. The strategic partnership approach, on the other hand, seeks long-term collaboration with other companies that have complementary skills or resources in order to bring innovations to market by utilising synergies and economies of scale. In contrast, idea management refers to the systematic generation of new ideas by a company's own employees.
Focus of the article:
In this blog post, we will provide a project insight into our LEITWERK Innovation Accelerator, which uses a 5-phase concept to help achieve sustainable innovation management. We would like to draw particular attention to the innovative power that is already sitting at the company's own desk: its own employees!
Expertise, knowledge of pain points and non-functioning processes as well as many years of experience can be a promising breeding ground for a successful future direction.