LEITWERK Consultings Munich: Project roles
Project implementation

Project roles

Is a new project just around the corner and you are still looking for the ideal person for certain areas of responsibility or fields of activity? Or are there temporary bottlenecks or peak loads in an ongoing project and you are considering how you can best manage this situation?

Our broad technical expertise and many years of experience in various project fields enable us to provide you with professional support in this situation.

Our goal at LEITWERK Consulting is to offer customised solutions for each individual customer project that are perfectly tailored to the specific requirements. We not only emphasise the needs-based planning and operational implementation of your project, but also fill the appropriate project roles with a focus on added value.


The design of every project is characterised by the definition of the required roles and thus has a significant influence on day-to-day project work.

Project roles not only map specific functions, but also create a stable structure and clarity within the team. The clear allocation of responsibilities and task areas makes the distribution of work more efficient and promotes collaborative dynamics within the team.

The effects on day-to-day project work are manifold: communication is facilitated by defined roles and everyone in the team understands their role in the overall context. This supports the effective management of the project process. In addition, well-defined roles enable the targeted utilisation of individual strengths and thus improve team dynamics. Overall, project roles therefore help to increase efficiency, manage risks and promote results-orientated collaboration in day-to-day project work.

Project roles

Our performance promise

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    Project management expertise

    We see ourselves as a partner to our customers and are therefore committed to the success of the project. Our customers can rely on the in-depth expertise and methodological knowledge of our employees. With the highest standards for the quality of our services, we develop customised solutions for your individual customer requirements by implementing the use of specific project roles in line with your project.

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    Interdisciplinary teams

    Our interdisciplinary team in particular gives us a diversified vision that enables us to provide our customers with new impetus in their day-to-day project work. Our certified project management experts tackle challenges in their respective roles in a targeted manner using proven methods.

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    High quality results

    We define project success not only in terms of achieving the project results. Our goal as a partner is to make a sustainable contribution to our clients' professional development in addition to our role as project leader, project manager or project controller, for example. We achieve this by treating our clients as equals and, if necessary, taking on the role of a coach.

Your advantages
Why LEITWERK Consulting?

  • Icon: Working together as partners

    Working together as partners

    Working in partnership, we create scope for you to devote yourself to your personal focal topics.

  • Icon: Looking ahead

    Looking ahead

    We see ourselves as a companion to your project. We want to work with you to further develop project work in your company and make it fit for the future.

  • Icon: Broad experience

    Broad experience

    We are experienced in the conceptualisation and introduction of project management structures as well as sustainable empowerment through interactive training.

  • Icon: Tailored solutions

    Tailored solutions

    We always keep an eye on your individual needs as well as the overarching framework conditions and environmental influences. In this way, we establish a unique solution that leads your project to success with the right project role on a clear path.

  • Icon: Thinking outside the box

    Thinking outside the box

    We think outside the box - professionally, personally and culturally. This enables us to find the best possible solutions for your challenges together.

  • Icon: Acting as equals

    Acting as equals

    We always act as equals and in respectful cooperation. A strong sense of togetherness is reflected in the results of our work.

Project examples

I. Project manager - leadership in project management

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, our team supported an international pharmaceutical company by temporarily assuming the role of project manager. Our focus was on the identification of pain points and the introduction and establishment of standards in order to create the foundations and framework conditions for the project. At the same time, we covered the need for interim management in the project environment.

Initial situaltion

In an ongoing project, there was a temporary bottleneck in the staffing of the project manager. This temporary understaffing led to a lack of clear responsibilities and a standardised approach to project management, both at management level and during operational implementation, particularly with regard to the planning and implementation of the project.

Solution approach

The initial focus was on filling the project manager position promptly in order to close the gap as quickly as possible and ensure efficient and standardised project management. The next step was to review and update the existing project management processes in order to establish clear responsibilities and procedures. In addition, our project manager analysed and then introduced methods for efficient prioritisation, needs-based team management and communication in the project context.


By taking on the role of project manager, the seamless continuation of the project was initially ensured, which meant that the project objective was pursued and the success of the project was not jeopardised any further. After the appointment, we focussed on increasing efficiency by integrating proven project management methods from our toolbox into the existing processes. Our project manager reviewed and updated the processes in order to establish clear responsibilities and optimised procedures. He also analysed methods for efficient prioritisation, needs-based team management and improved communication in the project context, which were successfully introduced.

II. Project coach - supporting a project team

Scope of commission

As part of the commissioned project, LEITWERK Consulting took on the task of supporting and coaching a project team at a global pharmaceutical company. By providing targeted support, our consultants focussed on the individual development and successful collaboration of the team in a complex international environment.

Initial situation

The project team was faced with the challenge of planning a project, pitching it at management level and then implementing it. Due to the complexity and the large number of stakeholders, the company decided to use a project coach to ensure that the project ran smoothly and that the team members were able to realise their full potential.

Solution approach

Thanks to the expertise of our project coach, a one-day empowerment concept was initially created, which contained both workshop and classic (project management) training elements. In addition, individual sparring and coaching sessions were held with the project team on an ongoing basis in order to provide input on the generated project idea. Through regular dialogue within the network, opportunities for improvement in the approach were identified and suitable measures were then introduced.


On the one hand, our project coach ensured a uniform level of knowledge by creating a common knowledge base in the area of project management and, on the other hand, focused on people as a key success factor. Potential for improvement was identified through individual coaching sessions and targeted questions. The challenges in the project environment were specifically addressed and the participants were supported and empowered to successfully implement the project.

Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our solution.
Contact us!
Your contact person- Sebastian Karl
Your contact person
Sebastian Karl
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write to us via our contact form
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