LEITWERK Consulting München: Classic project management

Classic project management

Even in today's VUCA world, classical project management is a sensible project design when clear structures and predefined processes are of great importance. It is the right design for the successful implementation of projects with known requirements and when a clearly defined result is to be achieved with the help of detailed planning.

At LEITWERK Consulting, we advise you on choosing the right project design and selecting suitable methods, structures and tools. We also provide your employees with sustainable training in classical project management.

Decision in favor of classical project design

There are different approaches to assessing whether classical project management is appropriate for one or more project plans. One of these, for example, is to analyze the various framework conditions on which the project is based. Based on this, we decide together with you whether a classical project design is the right choice or whether a hybrid or agile approach is better. Framework conditions that favor a classic approach are, for example, clear and known requirements, a low need for flexibility or a major planned release at the end of the project.

If you look at the magic triangle of project management, the scope or quality - i.e. the desired end result of the project - is known for projects in the classic project design. Time and costs, on the other hand, must be estimated based on the content and can change over the course of the project.

Difference between classical and agile management

Our performance promise

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    Holistic individual approach

    Based on a systematic needs analysis, we comprehensively record the framework conditions for the planned project and derive the appropriate project design. We attach particular importance to identifying specific areas of action for our clients and ensuring that they are anchored in the company through suitable measures.

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    Partnership-based support for sustainable project success

    Working in partnership on an equal footing is always a top priority for us. In order to integrate company-specific requirements in a targeted manner, we involve our customers in the creation of the appropriate project design.

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    Joint further development and comprehensive support

    Project work means joint development. LEITWERK Consulting works with clients to design effective and efficient project management structures. We place a particular focus on empowering team members so that each and every individual can make optimum use of the project design.

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    Foresight in the project design introduction

    The introduction of a classic project design can mean a far-reaching change in the company and especially for individual employees. This makes it all the more important to incorporate various aspects of change management alongside development and empowerment. This way, everyone involved will enter the upcoming change through a new project design with a good feeling.

The LEITWERK Consulting approach for classical project management
Our approach

We carry out a systematic needs analysis and, based on the findings, develop fields of action for the introduction of your individual classic project management framework.

1. Phase 04


Project examples

I. Conceptual design of a project management organization

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, our team was able to assist a customer in the heating technology sector with the set-up of a professional, standardized and future-oriented project management organization and expertise in technology management.

Initial situation

In order to ensure the timely development of new products and solutions for a medium-sized company for heating and air conditioning solutions, the Management Board commissioned Technology Management to develop a structured and sustainable project management organization.

Based on an analysis of the current situation, a concept for professional project management was to be drawn up and presented to the Management Board for a decision.

Solution approach

A core team of internal managers from technical product development and experienced project management consultants from LEITWERK was put together for the three-month collaboration. With the help of individual interviews, initial analysis results were collected on existing project management approaches at project and sub-project level. The results were consolidated in a joint workshop and an initial draft for an individual project management structure was developed.


Based on the interview results and the findings from the analysis phase, the generally applicable project management standards were adapted to the individual organization-specific needs. The concept developed, with a needs-specific role concept, a professional structure for the organizational anchoring of professional project management and a roadmap for sustainable implementation, was presented to the Executive Board for a decision.

II. Finding the right project design - project management skills for employees

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, our team was able to help a medium-sized German commercial vehicle manufacturer to develop a standardised understanding of and approach to project management.

Initial situation

Due to the rapid growth of a German manufacturer of specialised suction technology and the resulting continuous increase in the number of new employees, structures and processes, the company was faced with new growth-related challenges. In particular, it became apparent that there was no standardised understanding and approach among employees with regard to the initiation, planning and implementation of projects. This affected both (cross-departmental) communication within the company and the successful and efficient implementation of projects.

Solution approach

The first step was to take stock of the company's specific framework conditions, whereupon a classic project management approach was identified for the implementation of all project plans in the company. Subsequently, specific training needs of the employees were determined and a two-day training concept was developed, which offered the employees comprehensive support on project management theory as well as practical procedures, tools and methods.


A total of around 60 project managers and executives were trained in classic project management with the help of six on-site project management training courses at the customer's premises. By striking a balance between theory and practice, the training courses helped to establish a standardised understanding and approach among employees in traditional project management. In addition, cross-departmental dialogue between employees was promoted.

Your advantages

  • Icon Working together as partners

    Working together as partners

    Working in partnership, we create scope for you to devote yourself to your personal focal topics.

  • Icon: Looking ahead

    Looking ahead

    We see ourselves as a companion to your project. We want to work with you to further develop project work in your company and make it fit for the future.

  • Icon: Broad experience

    Broad experience

    We are experienced in the conceptualisation and introduction of project management structures as well as sustainable empowerment through interactive training.

  • Icon Individual


    We cater to your individual needs and circumstances. We adapt classic process models to your requirements and anchor them sustainably in your existing structures and processes.

  • Icon: Thinking outside the box

    Thinking outside the box

    We think outside the box - professionally, personally and culturally. This enables us to find the best possible solution for your challenges together.

  • Icon: Acting at eye level

    Acting at eye level

    We always act as equals and in respectful cooperation. A strong sense of togetherness is reflected in the results of our work.

Interested? We would be happy to provide you with detailed information on our classical project management solutions.
Contact us!
Sebastian Karl -Your contact person
Your contact person
Sebastian Karl
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write to us via our contact form
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