LEITWERK Consulting - your change management consultancy

Change Management Consultancy

The success of a change in an organization depends on numerous factors, most of which cannot be considered in isolation from one another. We therefore focus on the key success factors during conceptualization, planning and implementation. We attach particular importance to the human success factor, as the active participation of all people in an organization and the resulting acceptance are crucial to the implementation of successful change.

The LEITWERK change management approach supports the targeted and systematic planning, management and implementation of complex changes in organizations. We consider every change project in its full complexity.

Our performance promise in change management

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    Rapid implementation of strategic realignment

    Regardless of whether you want to align your organization more closely with the needs of the market or whether you want to convert your existing project structure into a forward-looking product structure, we will support you in implementing your new strategy. We also accompany you in the development of an innovation-promoting organizational culture and thus create the basis for continuous further development and adaptability. In doing so, we ensure that all employees are actively involved, thus enabling participation and identification.

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    Support during the livelihood protection

    You can also count on our support in crisis situations. Together with you, we will design a sustainable, effective organizational restructuring. For example, we create the conditions for successful outsourcing or insourcing, ensure successful poster-merger integration or support your cost-saving measures to safeguard your company's existence.

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    Sustainable implementation and application of new processes

    Change usually goes hand in hand with structural changes. If required, we provide you with holistic support and implement defined change measures with you. For example, when switching to new collaboration formats, aligning processes in a workflow organization, improving quality, rollout projects or implementing new systems.

A change is only successful if the eight steps from “Leading Change” by Dr. John Kotter are followed sensibly. It starts with the urgent reason for the change and ends with the lasting effectiveness of the change.
Florian Köger
Managing partner

Our success factor model

Whether a desired change in an organization succeeds depends on several factors. We have been able to identify important success factors in numerous projects. Our success factor model is the basis of our LEITWERK change management approach and influences our approach and actions in your project.

  • importance of the employees


    We actively involve employees with their individual needs, strengths and fears in the change project and thus turn them into active participants who identify with the new status quo and can provide significant support for the project.

  • Icon Participation - change management


    We involve all employees in the relevant decision-making and implementation processes. As external, neutral and non-hierarchical change experts, we accompany all affected employees holistically through all phases of the change process.

  • Communication - Change Management


    Through transparency and clarity, we use communication to provide the necessary orientation, accelerate rethinking within the organization and make any fears and resistance visible. This makes it possible to take individual, timely and appropriate action.

  • Leadership - change management


    We support situation-oriented leadership in order to convey a sense of change to the members of the organization, to recognize individual fears and take them into account as needed, and to create the necessary freedom for independent co-design.

  • Organizational culture - change management

    Organizational culture

    As change and organizational culture influence each other, we always follow the principle of “as much change as necessary - as little change as possible” in change management and tailor our approach to the individual needs of the organization.

  • Qualification - Change management


    With a needs-oriented training and coaching concept, we ensure that all employees are able to find their way in the changed environment, both professionally and methodically, as well as in terms of their social and personal skills.

  • Structure - Change Management


    We identify the structures that influence the new target image through hierarchies, rules, routines, standards, roles, sanctions or incentive systems so that these can be changed sustainably and effectively across all levels.

  • Processes- Change Management


    Through intensive and well thought-out preparation as well as the greatest possible flexibility during implementation, we can react to internal and external changes in good time and thus ensure that we always do the right thing to implement the change successfully.

  • LWC's Methods - Change Management


    With the deliberate use of customized methods, we provide optimal support for planning and control tasks in change management without neglecting personal interaction.


Our change experts actively support you in successfully implementing your change project. We act in a demand-oriented manner - either with high visibility as operational support in the team, as part of a partnership-based change tandem with the responsible manager or with largely “invisible” support as a coach. The individual steps required are actively planned, managed, evaluated and implemented as needed by our experts.

  • Change Team

    Change Team

    Operational support for the internal project team.

  • Change Tandem

    Change Tandem

    Partnership-based support for managers.

  • Change Coach

    Change Coach

    Support in helping a manager or a change team to help themselves.

Our approach

With our holistic LEITWERK change management approach, we support our clients throughout the entire process in the phases of exploration and analysis, conception, the start-up phase and the implementation phase focused on realization and, last but not least, in the sustainable anchoring of the change.

In each of the five phases, we plan and manage the individual activities and focal points of individual support together with our clients in line with their needs. We align our actions with their needs and our success factors, which we have identified in numerous projects as essential for sustainable project success.

change management - guiding principles process model
1. Phase 05

Exploration and analysis

Project examples

I. Adaptation of sales structure and corporate processes

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, a LEITWERK consultant supported our medium-sized client from the automation technology sector in organizational development. The aim of the assignment was to support the implementation of the client's new Strategy 2020 in terms of adapting the sales structure and company processes.

Initial situaltion

Stable structures and processes in the areas of sales, administration and logistics have grown in the 40-year presence of the company's sales organization in Mexico. In order to implement the new Strategy 2020, the sales areas are to be prepared professionally and also converted to a geographically oriented organization. The German management was to be supported in the analysis, design and implementation of the project as part of a coaching program.

Solution approach

In close and intensive cooperation with the management, the company's current situation was analyzed, sub-projects identified, ongoing projects integrated into the overall program and their objectives defined. The next step was to design and plan a series of workshops to inform middle management about the approach, present the sub-projects and plan further details on their implementation. A presentation of the approach and a concept for regular update reporting were prepared for the subsequent board meeting.


The analysis was used to identify the areas of action for the planned changes, analyze risks on the basis of a stakeholder analysis and plan effective measures. Detailed concepts were drawn up for the series of workshops and a kick-off event was held with the management of the divisions to communicate the relevance of the planned changes and plan the next steps. The department and team leaders were then integrated into the project in individual workshops. In coaching sessions “invisible” to the organization, the management was supported in its task of planning the upcoming realignment of the organization and in dealing with the intercultural challenges, and a needs-oriented concept for implementation was created.

II. Development of objectives for central IT partner management

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, our LEITWERK consultant supported the client from the automotive sector in management development. The team consisted of a total of six participants. As part of the assignment, the department management was to be supported in the form of a partnership tandem in the development of objectives for central IT partner management.

Initial situaltion

In recent years, the customer's central IT department has developed an agile working model and largely completed its introduction. The new working model has an impact on collaboration, management, governance and the overarching contractual content and subsequent operational management of service providers and partners. Stakeholders and “customers” are to be better served with the new target image.

Solution approach

In close cooperation with the department management, a content-related target image for the design of central IT partner management, including an implementation roadmap, was developed on the basis of the integrated “Why, How, What Principle”. Change measures were developed for the realization and supported during implementation. The development of a new team structure in accordance with agile principles was supported in line with the jointly defined target image in the department.


Based on the solution approach, a workshop was held with the managers. The implementation of the new target vision was accompanied by communication measures to actively involve all of the department's employees and stakeholders. The department is working towards the target image in order to better serve stakeholders and “customers”. The experience gained during implementation was reflected on as part of the change coaching and the concepts were thus continuously improved.

III. Transformation from a project organization to an agile product organization

Scope of commission

The subject of the commission was a transformation from a program and project organization to an agile product organization. The client team came from the automotive sector and consisted of four employees. They were accompanied and supported by two experienced LEITWERK consultants.

Initial situaltion

As part of the project, a concept was to be developed and implemented to provide all employees with all the necessary information through maximum transparency and to enable them to actively participate in shaping the change.

Solution approach

The first step was to put together a team to plan and moderate activities for the agile transformation. Short and medium-term action requirements were analyzed in regular meetings. In the next step, a confluence area was created in which all information relevant to the design of future collaboration was compiled and communicated. The future agile collaboration was defined in several workshops.


A concept was developed and implemented to create the necessary transparency regarding the future design of collaboration in the agile product organization. Employees were enabled to use the new cooperation and communication tools and new formats such as an open space, a brown bag lunch, regular Skype conferences, blog entries, etc. were introduced for direct exchange.

Your advantages
Why LEITWERK Consulting?

  • Systemic with LWC to a successfull change management


    We do not view the success factors and the individual elements of the change project in isolation, but understand them in their systemic structure and mode of action.

  • Icon: Personal to a successfull change management


    As it is always people who implement changes in the organization, we attach great importance to personal support at eye level.

  • Individual - change management


    We orient our approach to the individual needs of the change management project.

  • sustainable change management projects


    We attach great importance to the sustainable implementation of change and thus ensure long-term success.

Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our solutions.
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Katja Supp-Zesewitz - Your contact person
Your contact person
Katja Supp-Zesewitz
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write us via our contact form
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