Do you want to expand your agile knowledge and delve deeper into topics such as self-organization, agile leadership or an agile mindset? Are you working in a traditional project environment and interested in integrating some agile principles and working methods to optimize collaboration? Are you wondering how hybrid project management works and how you can combine agile and traditional working to get the best of both worlds for your company? Would you like to use the Kanban method and are wondering where you should start? Take advantage of our customized training courses to get answers to your individual questions.
We are convinced that in order to be truly effective and sustainable, training must be tailor-made. For this reason, the focus is defined by you in advance and the content is designed interactively by us. We combine theory, application examples and methods for all topics in order to facilitate the transfer.
Possible focal points such as agile basics, hybrid project management, self-organization or agile leadership are described in more detail on this page.