The environment and therefore the context in which companies operate is currently changing at a rapid pace, and with it the understanding of what the world of work will look like in the future. The key drivers of change include digitalisation and automation, demographic change and the associated shortage of skilled workers, globalisation and generational change.
Against this backdrop, companies need to adapt and proactively address the new realities on the labour market in order to keep pace with change and remain competitive. Innovative and flexible forms of work are required as the environment is changing ever faster. ‘New Work’ encompasses all measures and methods that deviate from more traditional forms of work and organisations. This means that new ideas, approaches and methods are emerging in the context of ‘New Work’ and are finding their way into companies.
The Fraunhofer Institute provides a concrete definition of ‘New Work’ (Fraunhofer IAO, 2019, p. 8): According to this, ‘New Work’ is ‘employment-oriented work with a way of working that is characterised by a high degree of virtualisation of work equipment, networking of people, flexibilisation of work locations, times and content’.
At LEITWERK, we support our clients with the following questions as part of ‘New Work’ consulting:
- What can an agile form of organisation look like in my company?
- How can I sustainably support a cultural change?
- What do I need to consider when putting teams together?
- How can I promote team collaboration?
- How can I build a modern management culture?
- Which agile working methods make sense for my team or organisation?