LWC: Agile project management

Agile project management

Agile project management as a project management approach is suitable for successfully overcoming the challenges of a constantly changing VUCA world. At a time when flexibility, adaptability and continuous innovation are crucial to a company's success, agile project design offers a secure framework for implementing projects efficiently and in a customer-centred manner.

Our experts advise you on the selection of a suitable project design and the choice of suitable methods, structures and tools. We also train your employees in agile roles such as Scrum Master or Product Owner and help to establish the agile mindset in the team.

Deciding in favour of an agile project design

The speed and complexity of our professional environment is increasing rapidly. The needs and demands of customers are also changing ever faster and cause-and-effect relationships are becoming increasingly unclear. Agile project management has emerged from this changing world in order to meet changing needs with the highest possible productivity and creativity and to consistently align the result with the customer or user.

Whether agile project management is the right choice for you, your project and your company depends on various influencing factors, such as the planned approach or the project environment: In an environment where you need to react quickly to (market) changes and want to receive continuous feedback on your product, agile project management is a good choice. Especially if the final result is still unclear or subject to fluctuations at the start of the project, an agile project design opens up the possibility of reacting flexibly to these conditions.

Together with you, we analyse the framework conditions of your project situation and select the appropriate project design based on your needs.

classical oder agile approach?

Our performance promise

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    Support with foresight

    We implement a project design that suits your project and your organisation. Our consultants take a holistic view of all relevant factors and help you to prepare, introduce and apply agile project management approaches. When establishing the agile approach, we always keep the agile values and your individual company structure in mind.

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    Comprehensive expertise

    Our agile experts support you in a variety of ways and according to your needs: whether as a consultant, coach, trainer, Scrum Master or Product Owner. At the same time, our experts can draw on many years of expertise in both the agile and traditional worlds. In this way, we ensure the perfect fit for your company at all times.

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    Training and empowerment of employees

    We introduce your employees to the world of agile working using playful methods (e.g. Lego Serious Play, Planning Poker, customer personas). In doing so, we demonstrate the possibilities and advantages of agile project management.

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    An agile mindset in practice

    The best way to introduce agility into a company is to make it tangible. Through individual coaching, workshops or sparring sessions, we support you in creating the necessary understanding and awareness in your team. At the same time, we establish a supportive framework.

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    Continuous improvement process (CIP)

    Agility is based on a mindset of continuous development. We are constantly and consciously on the lookout for opportunities to improve and innovate. We therefore attach particular importance to a deep understanding of the meaning and purpose of the working methods and frameworks, as well as the development of an effective learning culture.

The LEITWERK Consulting approach in agile project management
Our approach

We carry out a systematic needs analysis and develop fields of action for the introduction of your customised agile project management framework. We see ourselves as a companion to your agile project and want to work with you to further develop the agile project design and make it fit for the future.

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Your advantages
Why LEITWERK Consulting for your agile project management?

  • Icon Working together as partners

    Working together as partners

    By working together as partners, we create scope for you to devote yourself to your personal focal topics. We always act on an equal footing and in respectful cooperation.

  • Icon LEITWERK's expertise and experience

    Expertise and experience

    We provide you with experienced consultants and support you with our expertise and coaching experience. We combine suitable methods from change management, project management and agile working.

  • Focus on ‘PEOPLE’

    Focus on ‘PEOPLE’

    We actively involve employees with their individual needs, strengths and fears. We attach particular importance to personal fit and thus create an open and trusting framework for working together on the company's direction.

  • LWC caters to you on an individual basis


    We cater to your individual needs and circumstances and select the agile process models, structures and tools that are right for you.

  • LWC thinks outside the box

    Thinking outside the box

    Thanks to our broad service portfolio, there are no limits to our ideas. We think outside the box and individually combine the methods and tools that make sense for your agile project management.

  • LWC Interdisciplinary team

    Interdisciplinary team

    Interdisciplinary teams are particularly important in an agile context, as they promote an agile mindset and drive continuous improvement. For this reason, we utilise independent teams with different backgrounds to achieve common goals.

Project examples

I. Transformation into an agile product organisation

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, our team supported an international automotive manufacturer in implementing the transformation from a project/programme organisation to an agile product organisation in aftersales.

Initial situation

As part of the group-wide transformation project from the original programme and project organisation to an agile product organisation, a sub-area in after sales was to be supported and moderated. The new product-centred approach to aftersales services was intended to ensure customer-oriented development and maximum flexibility.

Solution approach

In line with the group-wide agile working model, the agile elements and methods were adapted to the specific circumstances and characteristics of the after sales divisions and implemented. Continuous monitoring of the transformation activities, in particular communication, took centre stage.


A comprehensive communication concept was developed to ensure transparency and employee participation. With the transfer to a new meeting structure, we succeeded in adapting and operationalising the agile working model and completing the transfer of all responsibilities. With the help of an integrated budget tool, transparent and efficient budget management was made possible in agile product development.

II. Agile transformation - supporting the restructuring process

Scope of commission

As part of the assignment, our team supported an international credit provider in the conception, enablement and support in the reorganization of product development from classic to agile working methods.

Initial situation

With the aim of ensuring customer and employee satisfaction and remaining competitive, product development was to be converted from a traditional to an agile approach. In addition to the reorganisation of personnel into topic-based, cross-functional domains, various processes had to be adapted, employees trained and new exchange formats implemented.

Solution approach

Firstly, all employees were trained based on the role description and prepared for the change. A customised operating model for scaling was developed in various working groups and a transformation roadmap was drawn up. In addition to the management and the transformation team, the teams and domains were also accompanied and supported by agile coaches.


The step-by-step approach and intensive support ensured that employees were involved in and identified with the changeover. In addition to an overarching operating model, customised KPIs for monitoring the success of the transformation and feedback mechanisms were implemented. A centralised exchange platform for all employees was developed and put into operation.

III. Establishment of an agile work organisation within the group

Scope of commission

Our team was commissioned to support the development of an agile work organisation and process modelling for a collaboration model of automotive manufacturers for the joint development of vehicle software.

Initial situation

For an automotive group with various brands, the new IT subsidiary serves as the key to the transformation into a software-orientated group. Our assignment was to help shape and support the organisational development.

Solution approach

A LACE team (transformation support) was set up and agile methods, tools and mindsets were introduced with the aim of establishing an agile work organisation. In addition, the necessary processes were recorded, modelled and networked as the basis for the required ISO certification.


The new collaboration model (process and organisational structure) was adapted to the SAFe® framework. Agile working methods were introduced and established in the project teams. Finally, the framework conditions for ISO certification were met by documenting the necessary processes.

Interested? We would be happy to send you detailed information about our agile project management services.
Contact us!
Carina Werner - your contact person for agile project management
Your contact person
Carina Werner
+49 89 189 235 96
... or write to us via our contact form
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